One of the most famous and powerful
politicians of all time, president of USA John Kennedy was born on 29th
of May, 1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts in rich family. His father who always
wanted his son to be the first everywhere brought up in him firmness and desire
to blossom forth. Even though since childhood Kennedy had back illness and
later suffered from Addison, nobody noticed his wasting. In 1940 he
successfully graduated from Harvard and then joined the United States Navy
during Second World War. After this war he tried himself in politics and in
1947 handled a Democratic Party chamber’s member position.
John Kennedy and His Bride Jacqueline in Their Wedding Attire Premium
When he became the Senate John’s policy’s
specific features were housing prices regulations, housing construction
development and labor union interests’ protection. In 1957 he published a
writing that significantly affected his political biography and made it easier
for him to get into politics. A story about American politicians called
“Profiles in courage” was awarded by the most prestigious in the field of
journalism Pulitzer Prize.
Later John Kennedy started a serious
preparation for the next presidential election. He was doing everything like
being published in famous newspapers and magazines, became a member of
committee, introduced new legislations in order to attract attention and gain
popularity among wide audience. By this way, John Kennedy disputer victory and
became a President of United States in 1961. His new political strategy called
“New Frontier” was generally aimed to increase minimum wages and also included
some economic and social changes as social insurance, help to distressed
communities and unemployment compensation payments.
“If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot
save the few who are rich.”
”Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and
is important to mention that the general situation in the country during these
years was almost perfect according to most people. Kennedy’s political program
was generally based on fast economic growth of the country.
In addition,
President’s new external policy was somehow unique because using economic and
ideological principles for supporting capitalistic system he was strengthening
US military power at the same time taking part in diplomatic ways of solving
some argument situations with other countries.
All this huge work done by John
Kennedy, the way he was leading the country made him one of the most powerful
politicians of all time.
“A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on.”
First man in space born in 1934 at village Klushino Gzhatsk
district of Smolensk region.
carrier started when he started to study in Luberets College, from that time
Gagarin forever linked his life to aviation.
9th December
of 1959 Gagarin wrote application which requested to enroll him in a group of
astronauts. On March 1960 he was chosen and he began his trainings.
world's first ship-to-satellite "Vostok" with a man on the board was
launched into earth orbit on 12th of April in 1961. There were
launched double radio connections. His famous Phrase was before flight
,only one single word "Poekhali".The duration of the first
flight was 108 minutes.
Gagarin became citizen of whole world when the happy news flew among the
Planet. Confidence and courage of simple Russian guy conquered whole
world. A fearlessness and bravery character was inherent to Gagarin. Gagarin
was superbly prepared for his encounter with history, both physically and
technologically. On the night before his flight while others paced and worried,
"Cosmonaut One" slumbered. When asked how he could sleep so
peacefully on the eve of the launching, Yuri answered, "Would it be right
to take off if I were not rested? It was my duty to sleep so I slept."
This is discipline and dedication at its best.
At the conclusion of his flight, he was subjected to the most intensive
debriefing and scientific examination. It was found in spite of the difficult
and strange weightless environment, his great skill permitted him to work and
to record important data which his fellow astronauts and scientific
collaborators would find vital to future space flights.
the end of 1961 Yuri Gagarin went to travel across the world for 2 years. Kings
and Presidents, Politics and Scientists, Artist and Musicians wanted to meet
and see cosmonaut.
1963 Gagarin became deputy chief of the Cosmonaut Training Center.
. The first flight in the world was at Baikonur Space Craft Station, Kazakhstan.
adventure was a total success. The United States was stunned at the news and
NASA rushed to get an astronaut into space. It wasn’t until May 5, 1961,
that Alan Shepard was launched into space to become the first US
astronaut, but only following a ballistic missile trajectory. It wasn’t until
the next year that the US put an astronaut in orbit, when John Glenn circled
the Earth for 4 hours, 55 minutes, and 23 seconds aboard the Friendship 7 on
February 20, 1962.
becoming a hero of the Soviet Union, Gagarin was grounded forever, too precious
to be lost by the propaganda machinery of the draconian communist regime. He
returned to Star City – where the Soviet Union developed their space program –
to work on reusable spacecraft designs, but he never got into one himself
again. In fact, after Vladimir Komarov died in the first Soyuz flight, Gagarin
– who was his backup pilot – was banned from even training for
was ironic because only a few years later Gagarin died in a routine fighter
pilot training flight, on March 27, 1968, aged 34. It was only two years after
Korolev died from cancer – his role as the father of the space program still
completely ignored by everyone.
moved then from the status of hero to legend. For the people of Russia – sad
and pessimistic – and to the entire world he represented an optimistic view of
the future. Yuri, the son of simple farmer, flew into space. He did it and he
believed in a bright, better future, in which humans would travel to the stars.
And, during his short life, he transmitted that optimism to everyone who met
just don’t make them like these anymore.
Godspeed Yuri Alekseyevich. You’ll
be remembered forever.
For all of us, today’s Google web
site is a major source of information that we are looking in the internet and
we have to know that this company was introduced to the world in 1998 by two
students – Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Larry Page was born in 1973 in Lansing,
Michigan. His father was doing the research in the field of computer
technologies in Michigan University while his mother was teaching computer
programming in the same campus.
Little Larry started being
interested in computers in 6 years age. Following in his father’s footsteps
Larry Page
graduating from East Lansing High School he studied for a Bachelor of Science
degree in computer engineering from the University of Michigan. During his
studying Page built the model of inkjet printer made of “Lego”.
The next few years of his life that were spent in Stanford
University got him together with future companion Sergey Brin. Together they
started working on conceptually new search system that provides its users
high-specification search and the results placed according to their importance.
The idea of creation this kind of program had been in Larry’s
mind for a long time before he met Sergey, but he was not able to turn it into
reality alone. Later on, after this search system was already developed they
registered the patent and started carrying out test in a test mode in Stanford
Larry with his Google group
Finally, creative and
talented students registered Google Company in September, 1998 opening their
first office in a friend’s garage. At the same time, they were trying to find
investors, but, unfortunately nobody was interested considering this project as
hopeless. Suddenly Google was noticed by journalists and people knew from
newspapers, magazines and TV how handy was this website. Obviously, Larry and his
colleague needed much more money for a Google’s future development and they
decided to take a risk by borrowing 25 million USD from Kleiner Perkins and
Sequoia Capital. That investment helped to improve the search systems that
allowed serving 3 million requests daily. The genius idea that was realized in
Google concept started rapidly gaining popularity and in 2004 it was presented
at the broker’s board that significantly increased company’s income, growth and
Today, according to
Forbes, Larry Page is one of the richest entrepreneurs in the World according
to Forbes with $18.7 billion capital. In addition, Google Company is worth $100
Dali-he is the century actor,he gave a lot
thoughts in the art, new visions, which were useful for designers, painters and
cinematographers. His name became famous during his life, because his talent
was expandable: he painted amazing images,model in numerous art works,created
some movies, wrote a lot of books, made some jewelries and produced awesome
Halsman: Dali, what is surrealism? Dali: Surrealism is myself”.As we know creator must to have inspiration. So Dali
was inspired by his lovely women Gala. The real name of Gala was Yelena
D’yakova during that time she was a wife of Dali’s friend –Paul Eluard.In order to compensate his fall he drew his portrait.
Gala was everything for him, she was his friend, wife and business partner. He
created new line of fragrance and suddenly the previous line vanished from the
market, because the new Gala’s line was masterpiece. Dali said: “Drawing is the
honesty of the art. There is no possibility of cheating. It is either good or
In 1933 Salvador Dali
had his first one-man show in New York. One year later he visited the U.S. for
the first time supported by a loan of US $500 from Pablo Picasso. To evade
World War II, Dali chose the U.S.A. as his permanent residence in 1940. He had
a series of spectacular exhibitions, among others a great retrospective at the
Museum of Modern Art in New York.
Gala and Dali
Dali became the darling
of the American High Society. Celebrities like Jack Warner or Helena Rubinstein
gave him commissions for portraits. His art works became a popular trademark
and besides painting he pursued other activities - jewelry and clothing designs
for Coco Chanel or film making with Alfred Hitchcock.
over during that time he created package of the famous brand Chupa-Chups .
1969 Dali was approached by Spanish confectioners Chupa-Chups to design a new
logo, and the result became as instantly recognizable as his melting clocks.
Dali incorporated the Chupa-Chups name into a brightly colored daisy shape.
Always keenly aware of branding, Dali suggested that the logo be placed on top
of the lolly instead of the side so that it could always be seen intact.
World War 2, Dali slightly changed his
style, his works were more Classics.Inspiration was the great classical masters of
painting likeRaphael, Velasquez or the
French painter Ingres.Another
source tells that Gala told him to change his style because that wasn’t serious
at all. In any case she had right to do that because the main reasons for
Dali's success was Gala herself. She constantly advised him on how to act and
interact with the art community, especially while they were in America for most
of the 1940's.“Have no fear of
perfection - you'll never reach it.” said Dali.
According to Forbes Roman Abromovich with a capital of 12
billion dollars nowadays is one of the richest and most successful businessmen
in the World. Some people are born
already rich, but there are those who start with a minimum capital and earn
billions just with the help of their personal qualities. Having graduated from
school Roman applied for a studying in two Universities, but could not continue
his education because of a military service induction.
With his Chealsea Football Team
As it is known, 1989
year was the beginning of Soviet Union collapse that time gave some people like
Roman an opportunity to start business and make it profitable. Toys’
fabrication company that was at first managed with the help of his wife started
gaining success. As a result, after only a few years ambitious Abromovich
opened five new companies in absolutely different business spheres. Through the
time oil and gas business started attracting a young Russian entrepreneur more
and more and he finally decided to establish another ten firms in order to buy
shares of the huge Siberia oil corporation “Sibneft”.
Roman with his girlfriend Daria Zhukova
Roman’s strategy was carefully planned and during only five
years his dream came true as he grew to be one of the most powerful Russian oil
company’s CEO. “Sibneft” shares acquisition in the mid-nineties defined the
further success of this magnate. After that everything as new firms opening, companies’
merger, country’s situation stabilization and new investments was already
simple for Roman Abromovich who had a good ability to direct and finance own
business. Surprisingly, in July 2001 he became the owner of the oldest English
football clubs “Chelsea” paying also extra 140 million pounds for its debts. This
news grabbed the attention of all people especially in Russia and United
Kingdom. Business and new hobby seemed to be not enough for Roman and soon he
tried working in political sectors, but only for a few years.
Nowadays he is well-known around the whole World as one of
the top 100 richest people, successful business man, owner of the famous
football club and the businessman who has houses, yachts and airplanes in
different countries. In Russian billionaire’s live good education that he did
not get was not the way to success, but his desire and a unique ability to make
money from nothing is the key of his incredible success.
This is not successful story
during his life, this story about an imperishable memory and infinity fame
after his life .One of greatest architecture in the world. In my opinion his
style is incredible. The combination of modern, electics and neogotica gives
him his own style , which I can call it only ”Gaudistyle”.
His nickname is “God’s
Architect”.With his creativity and skills he integrated ceramics, stained glass,
wrought ironwork, forging, and carpentry in his architectural designs to make
them lucrative. He is the pioneering figure behind introducing new techniques
in the treatment of materials like trencadís, which is made of waste ceramic
When he was a child he loved
to observe: see. Sky, flowers everything that was surrounding him. In other
word he was inspired.
He liked geometry and he
kept an eye fathers work. His father was coppersmith which helped him a lot.
His first experience was
when he came to Barcelona to built “Monumental cascade ": fountains,
spouting from the lake surface, play water jets and streams, but that first
experience failed. More over during final projects at architecture school
committee told him that or he is genius or crazy guy.
Instead of being
disappointed he started to project his most incredibly building which is
“Sagrada Familia” .Unique design and adorable shapes killed all the standards
among the world. He couldn’t finish his temple. His masterpiece, Sagrada
Família, which is still incomplete, is one of the most visited monuments in
works have always been internationally acclaimed and a number of renowned
architects have dedicated their time comprehending his complicated
architectural designs.
Cooperativa Obrera Mataronense (1878–1882)
The Cooperativa Obrera Mataronense was his first ever big project, a cooperative’s head office in Mataró with a factory, a worker’s housing estate, a social centre as well as a services building, from 1878 to 1882. He was the first person to use the catenary arch and ceramic tile adornment in the services building.
Sagrada Família (1882)
Sagrada Família is a large Roman Catholic church situated in Barcelona,Spain. He dedicated his last years to the project and finished it before his death in 1926. He implied his architectural and engineering style by blending Gothic and curvilinear Art Nouveau forms. Today it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
An art Critic Rainer Zerbst describe Sagrada Familia: “it is probably impossible to find a church building anything like it in the entire history of art”
Casa Vicens (1883–1888)
Casa Vicens is a family residence in Barcelona, in Spain established for industrialist Manuel Vicens in the period of 1883-1889. Today, it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The proprietor Manuel Vicens was the owner of a brick and tile factory. The yellow colored tiles used in the building were designed by Gaudí, and were manufactured by Vicens. This work shows the Moorish influences on modern architecture. The house is constructed of coarse red bricks, raw and stripped stone, and colored ceramic tiles with checkerboard and floral patterns.
Episcopal Palace of Astorga (1883–1913)
The Episcopal Palace is a Modernisme edifice in Astorga, Spain, established between 1889 and 1913. The façade has four cylindrical towers and is encircled by a trench.
El Capricho (1883-1885)
El Capricho, constructed between the year of 1883 and 1885 in Comillas, was commissioned by Máximo Díaz de Quijano.
Güell Pavilions (1884–1887)
Güell Pavilions was constructed between the year of 1884 and 1887 and located in the capital of Catalonia, Barcelona.
Casa Batlló (1905–1907)
Casa Batlló is a building was constructed in 1877, which was re-designed in the years 1904–1906 by Gaudí. To complete this building some more renowned architects Domènec Sugrañes i Gras, Josep Canaletay Joan Rubió assisted him. The building is situated at 43, Passeig de Gràcia in the Eixample district of Barcelona, Spain.
Casa Milà (1905–1907)
Casa Milà, which is also known as La Pedrera, was established during 1905 and 1910 but officially it was finished in 1912. The building is situated in Barcelona, Catalonia, in Spain. Architecturally this building is known to be the most creative work for several distinct designs including its steel structure and curtain walls and the self-supporting façade. Other innovative elements were the construction of underground car parking and separate lifts and stairs for the owners and their servants. In 1984, UNESCO declared it to be the World Heritage.
palau güell (1900-1914)
The Palau Güell is a mansion in Barcelona, Catalonia, in Spain created for the Catalan industrial tycoon Eusebi Güell in the years 1900 to 1914. The mansion is centered on a main room to amuse elite guests. Its mosaic designed seats shines brightly in the sun. Today this masterpiece of Gaudí belongs to the UNESCO World Heritage.